
Client - Chloe H

Treatment - Dermapen - Before and After

I had the Derma pen treatment on my face and my back. I have always had a problem with acne and no matter what my doctor or dermatologist did, it didn’t get any better. I had 6 sessions with the derma pen and after the very first session I saw a difference! My face and back are so much clearer and any scars that I had from acne have vanished. It even managed to lessen the redness in my cheeks. I used to be very conscious about my back and face but now I wear strappy tops and I don’t have to worry about covering up any spots on my face. During the process of the treatment I was told everything that I needed to know and the treatment itself was comfortable, it didn’t hurt at all. The redness didn’t last long after the treatment so I could go out without feeling self-conscious. My skin was too sensitive for some of the products recommended to me, but Jan and Shell worked with me to figure out which products worked best for me.  I would thoroughly recommend the Derma pen to anyone that is suffering with acne and scaring.


Client - Paul T

Treatment - Cryopen - Before & After

 I am 52 and noticed over the last few years that some lumps started coming up on my forehead. The Dr put it down to my age with nothing they could do but then I went to see Shell. She quickly worked out what the lumps were and suggested the Cryopen option. I have now had two sessions of Cryopen and one chemical face peel and although my treatment is not finished the lumps have nearly disappeared! Shell has done an amazing job and I can recommend her treatments to anyone. Being a male I always turn up a bit nervous not knowing what to expect next but Shell quickly puts me at ease and I come away smiling.. with me new Face!!

Treatment - Verruca Removal

We were recommend rejuvenate aesthetic clinic after my son contracted a verruca on his Little toe causing a lot of pain. After spending months and money on products that didn’t work & NHS no longer offer freezing. 4 weeks ago she used her magic freezing pen and now he’s verruca free. This lady is worth every penny.

Thank you

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Client - Sienna

My daughter who is 8 years old, had warts all over hands, some on her face, arms and legs, it didn’t seem to bother her but it really bothered her dad! It was upsetting to see your daughter have the things over her with people thinking she had food in her face or not wanting to hold her hand! We had spent a little bit of money to buy over the counter products to no success even when on holiday got items from America but they also didn’t work! Shell had been recommended to us by someone who had gone to her for there veruccas and said she was amazing! I was a little worried at first could she really get rid of them!! We took my daughter who took some persuading to go but after meeting Shell she relaxed even got a bit cheeky!!! And let Shell weave her magic, there were over 20 warts and Shell got rid of them all she was very patient and understanding with my daughter and we are so grateful that they have all gone and even my daughter who we didn’t think was bothered by them appears a lot happier they are not there! She also had veruccas and they got treated also with success. Daughter has since found another one and has asked Shell to fix it. Shell thank you so much x

Client - Chris

The treatment I received was very comfortable, I was feeling very apprehensive about the situation but since it was done I've felt really fantastic and would highly recommend to any of my friends & family

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